Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra Controller Review: Lightweight, Powerful, and Stylish

Awe, amazement, dumbstruck, reverence, wonder. These are just a few words that pop into my head after trying out Turtle Beach’s Stealth Ultra Controller. It is everything a controller should be, and frankly everything the Microsoft Elite controllers should have been. The perfect Xbox controller arrives, and gaming is better because of it.

First Impressions

My first impression of the Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra is admiration. it’s RGB lighting, anti-drift thumb sticks, and console display get me excited before I even take it out of the box. Examining it further I already love it. Yeah, okay, some people like a heavy controller but the Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra’s lightweight design give it a smooth feeling that leaves me starry eyed. As I start to game on my daily Fortnite dominance I notice a few things. To make room for the center screen, Turtle Beach has moved a few buttons. Not a huge deal as they didn’t move gameplay buttons, but I have accidentally paused my game trying to clip something. Otherwise, this controller is everything I’d hoped for with its sleek compact design and features that make gaming so much more enjoyable.


The Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra goes above and beyond on tech. An instantly new and recognizable feature is the center console screen. I can just let it sit on the Xbox symbol, or if I’m feeling lazy, I link it to my phone to get notifications! Let’s just be honest your phone is always just out of reach unless you’re gaming at a desk. Therefore, additions like this are welcome for me. The only bummer is I can’t respond via the controller.

Now, let’s chat about the thumb sticks. I am overly excited about the anti-drift thumb sticks – and for good reason. I can’t tell you how many of my controllers start to have massive drift after about a year. In some cases, I’ve experienced drift after just a few weeks with Microsoft’s controllers. So, my hopes and prayers of a controller that lasts are riding on this brilliant idea from Turtle Beach. For those of you who like shooter games, you’re in luck. Turtle Beach continues with its ability to make your trigger click even faster. All you have to do is flip the little slide next to the triggers, and boom, your gun goes off that much faster. This switch makes for a quick attack button as opposed to having to fully press down triggers.

Additionally, for the elite controller fans out there, the rear controller buttons didn’t go anywhere. They are in a fixed location and always there (4 buttons). Where some may prefer the removable paddles of the Elite, I’m almost equally satisfied here. The new format places the secondary buttons further under the controller for horizontal placement. The Elite controller paddles are placed above and below each other. This took some getting used to, but the more I use it, the more I prefer it.

Of course, another awesome thing is the RGB lighting. The colors are completely customizable allowing you to match them with any other lights on your gaming setup. Overall, other than a few minor things, Turtle Beach has blown me away with its incredible design. This controller is easily my go to and hands down the best out there.


The Gameplay on the Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra is incredible. The buttons barely need to be pressed to react in a solid fluid motion. This is a great aspect as it can so easily turn the tables on your opponent. The lightweight compact design gives it a smooth gameplay feeling. I’ve even made a few friends rage quit while I calmly sit there admiring the speed difference in the gameplay. Listening to the rage brings joy to my heart and a tad more pizazz to my itchy trigger finger.

The most important thing to me when it comes to gameplay is simple. I need a controller that is going to last. Something tells me this one will. I’ll just say it. Microsoft makes crappy controllers that simply don’t last. They charge $60+ on them and literally screw us gamers over. Yes, I have an Elite Series 2. No, it isn’t crappy, but I shouldn’t have to buy one to get something that is going to last. Besides, I’d much rather put my money into a product like the Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra. It is far better anyways.

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